Wednesday, September 26, 2012


I think its time to make a list of things Im grateful and thankful for. I'm sure I'll  do this all over again in November for Thanksgiving. I'm just having one of those "I'm having the worst day-week-month-year of my life and everyone else is having a GREAT time, having babies, buying houses, going on vacations...everything that I wish I was doing" kind of days. The Husband pointed out to me that I need to examine my bitterness because people just do not know how to take me. Maybe that's why I've been staying to myself as much as possible? Regardless, after this done (fingers crossed that I'm done by Friday).

Things I am thankful for:

1. My amazing Husband. Without this guy I would be nothing but existing. With him, I am living.

2. My super Mom! 'nuff said!

3. My very best friend forever and ever, Kim. We have known each other since we were in 6th grade and have be pretty much inseparable since.

4. I'm glad that through all of this BS, I still have a little humor. 

5. That my basic 3 are covered. I live in a nice house, I  am never hungry, and I drink tons of 

6. Modern medicine and its ability to have gotten me this far.

7. The fact that I even got this far.

8. I have a wonderful family and support system. I'm so thankful for all of them for listening endlessly, especiall my Clomid Buddy!

9. I have a ton of FAITH.

10. This was almost number 1...I have 3 off the greatest dogs ever that never get tired of me even if I'm a mess.

I know we will get through this and in retrospect this will be just one speck of  our amazing lives. But, right now....every second is an eternity and I will get past that.


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