Thursday, April 28, 2011

And here I sit...

Seeing as its Royal Wedding EVE, maybe I can blame my new acquired bad attitude on it..oh wait, Im freaking married. I can't do that anymore. LAME. I'm sitting her myself...well, Shiner is here (not really, he's sleeping in the other room). I'm sitting here blubbering like a big ol'baby for no dang good reason. Okay, I have a good reason. I had a yay/boo week. I'm not prepared for everything I found out on Tuesday and now Kyle is gone for the weekend. To top it off, The Husband left in the wee hours this morning and will not be back until late Sunday. Nothing I can't handle...except we have no lines of communication. He didn't even call to tell me good night. I know I'm being a big baby...but whatever. I can cry if I want to!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Let me clear my throat..

LOU-WEEZY- This one is for you!

By the way, you're friend U. There's no one like you! ;)

I didn't realize I would actually get feed back on this thing. Theres lots of people that fit in between all of those ones I named. Mostly, lately, I have been in a crabby mood. Everything irritates me and pisses me off. I can't put my finger on why I'm acting that way. I don't want to.

Maybe this is why.

I went ot the doctor today with my ammunition. I had a folder full of info, symtoms I have, family history, etc. Guns loaded, yall. I have had this feeling I have PCOS (look it up, Louise :) I don't want to post the gross stuff). When I had the ultra sound today I was tearing up. How ridiculous. I kept looking at the screen thinking of how amazing it will be the day I look up there and see what I WANT to see.

Anyway, I did see something I wanted to see. Now I can face facts and deal with it. I'm actually veeeeeeeeeeeeery relieved that Its what I thought it was. Im pretty sure if it was something else, it would have crushed me. Im not an easy girl to crush, either.

So here we go...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cakes and stuff

Usually when Im making a cake for someone, unless they tell me specifically, I have no clue what Im going to do to is (decorating wise) until I get it together. Right now I've got 20 purple roses and rosettes at my house drying and waiting for me for when I get home.  I don't think I could be so excited!!!!!!

I'll post pictures when Im done tonight.

Onto something else-
I almost want to say that I dont mind running. But I still hate it so I cant say that. :) Though I'm getting way better than I was before. I took a few more days off than anticipated and went for a run today, and I pickedu where I left it. Freakin' aweome!!!

We are now 70something days until Florida....

maybe I should run twice a day...

Sunday, April 10, 2011

It never ends!

The older I get the realize thing stay the same.

In every group of friends I've ever had there is always friend "P" (that doesn't stand for anything, I was just trying to think of a letter that is not offensive). She absolutely gets on my nerves. She's immatue and rude. Doesn't know when things are inappropriate or when to shut up. There is always friend "Q" who is the follower and never has an original idea. You know they're capable, but they just won't break out of their shell. There is friend "W" who has every opportunity available and chooses not to take advatage of any of it. Friend "Y" just doesn't care. Friend "R" is usually super happy. The glass is always half-full and unicorns fart rainbows. And then you get Friend "V". The friend that, no matter what she does, she just gets the short end of the stick. Friend "A" always surprises you and is like wonder woman.

I guess I could go on and on with this.

It just amazes me how alike people are. In every era in my life, I've had a friend that filled every one of these spots and more. Mostly Friend  "P" who I have on facebook has hit my last nerve. I mean 'Block worthy', yall! Then I started thinking about it. I have  A LOT OF FRIEND "P"s!! Then this made me think of the patterns of my friends....if this is how I catergorize them....

Where do I fall?

Sunday, April 3, 2011

work work work school school school

whew! It was great to have a lazy day today. Oh wait...thats not we had! But we definitely had fun. The husband's dad, stepmom, and sister came over and we went to the mall and had a fabulous time. Saturday we had a garage sale and I made a few dollars! Woohoo! Can't beat that. :) Besides that I feel like Im in the vicious cycle of life. Wake up, get dressed, go to work, come home, do homework, study, make dinner, eat, go to bed. Rinse and repeat every day. 5 more weeks until summer vacation! I CANNOT WAIT. Bring on the flip flops and shorts..


Ahman. Not those things again! Week two of C25K starts tomorrow. Thank goodness.

That offsets the 6 cookies I ate for dinner right? Yeah, I think so too.

Have a fabulous week, yall! :)