Friday, September 28, 2012

2nd dose of cytotec

I got a call from a nurse at my doctor's office today to ask how I was doing and what my process was like. After talking to me for a bit, she put me on hold and talked to my doctor. They decided to put me on a 2nd dose of the cytotec. I am glad that I know what to expect but very apprehensive to experience that 430am nightmare again. Thankfully The Husbad is still off work and is able to be with me.  So in about 1.5 hours, I will begin my 2nd process with cytotec. Crazy enough, even though this really sucks and I hate every minute, I'm so glad I have this option as opposed to going straight for surgery. A lot of girls don't have that luxury and for that I'm grateful.

The insult to injury is...I'm getting a dang head cold!! Of course I am! What dang luck I have.

I'm so happy I was able to document this so I can look back if I had to do this again. Well here I am and I'm sure it will help out tons! Hope it helps others out, as well. Here it goes....

1145p- game time! Thankfully it wasn't as emotionally straining this time. I was prepared and ready as much as I can be.

140a- gotta pee gotta pee gotta pee! I hydrated a lot prior and it's ready to evacuate. I went to the bathroom and half of a pill came out. It was mostly dissolved and really wasn't even a half. I hope that my body got as much as it needs and I begin to cramp around 230 like last time.

230a- last time, I was able to take a nap. Not tonight! Bummer! I'm sitting/laying here watching crappy old late night tv. And here come the annoying cramps! Let this be the last time I have to take this! I was begging for the cramps to come on. Dumb, I know. But the sooner they start, the sooner it's over!

410a- on Wednesday night, (Thursday morning, rather) by this time I was about ready to throw in the towel. This time, very different. My cramps have been very minimal. Blood has been minimal. I have been experiencing horrible gas pains though. I mean HORRIBLE! Like if someone poked me with a pin, I would probably explode! I decided that maybe if I went to sit on the toliet, gravity could do its job and expell the gas. I was sort of right. I coughed a few times since I'm not feeling well. I was sick of sitting there after 15 minutes or so and I wiped......... I had expelled tissue! I had never been so thrilled. I was starting to think I wouldn't be able to do it. I saved it and came to lay back in bed. I haven't experienced a lot of bleeding like I had read a lot of ladies had experienced. Now let's see if I can finally get some sleep!

515a- still not able to sleep but I think it's mostly the adrenaline running me right now. In retrospect, I did have a "gush" at around 730p. I was walking around blockbuster getting a movie to watch while I'm recouping tomorrow and I felt like a bunch of something came out. I was only wearing a liner because I didn't have any pads besides overnights (target was also on the errand run this evening). So I kind of just thought maybe I didn't have enough coverage. I guess not! I guess that is why my cramps were very minimal.

This goes to show how everyone's experience with cytotec is definitely different. I don't want to say I had a "good miscarriage" because that sounds absolutely wrong. My heart breaks. My heart was ripped in half early this morning but, I am so thankful that my experience was as trouble-free as possible. I had trepidations about this process. I am very glad I decided to do this at home. I feel like now...I can cope and move on.

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