Wednesday, October 3, 2012

No more school blues!

It's as if I woke up and decided that I AM going to pass this semester and I AM going to be on the President's List again. I had an issue with a group assignment that I had missed out on and was concerned with my placement in the group, as they are getting near the end. I contacted my professor, who's reviews on RateMyProfessors was all but kind, to see if there was anything else I could do. It took him over a day to respond, which felt like an eternity, and he suggested some options and offered is condolences. I was floored. I have never had to 'grovel' to anyone before and I felt like I was having to. My email was very professional, to the point, and I accepted any consequence that there may be for my absence from the group. So now, I am offering up an addendum to the paper that the group had wrote. This is absolutely and completely fair and I am so glad to have the opportunity to do so! So there goes my whole weekend, but I am glad to give it up, considering.

In other news..Another friend has informed me she is TTC. Is it sad that every time someone tells me they are TTC, I think, "I bet they'll get pregnant before me." Those horrible things IF puts in your head! I hate it. I used to not be so dang negative. I'm actually very happy for her and her soon to be husband. I hope they have no problems and this time next year, she is holding her joy! Tons of...

In the most important news, no I am not talking about the debate....I'm talking about how I have plans to find some marshmallow froyo this weekend and I am too ridiculously excited!!! Word on the street is they're serving some at a few places. Is it weird if I call them all and ask if they have it? Oh may be too late for that! :)

Here's to a great rest of the week. We made it to Wednesday, only two more days!

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