Monday, October 8, 2012

1 week post cytotec

Technically last Thursday and Saturday would have been one week since my 1st and 2nd dose of Cytotec. Can I just say how much better I am doing? Physically, all the bleeding and cramping has stopped as of 2-3 days ago. It really wasn't all that bad after the actual miscarriage, but it was annoying. I'm not a 'pad' kind of girl so it was definitely more annoying for me. I am getting some ovary pain, but I'm sure my body is just trying to figure out what the hell just happened.

I did get a call today from my doctor's office. Actually 2. The first one was to tell me that pathology had gotten back to them and there was zero "products of conception" in the tissue I had brought in. Without getting TMI, it was almost distiguishable. At least to me and my doctor. I took my time looking at it prior to putting it away to take to the doctor. She had advized me to put it in a baggy and put it in the fridge until I could get an appointment on that Monday or Tuesday. I passed it on Saturday, so it was refrigerated for a while. I'm not sure if that had anything to do with the pathology report. I have also read (damn you, Google!) that other ladies with the similar situation had the same reports back from the lab. I'm a little irritated but what can I do? Not too much! The 2nd call was a lot more anticlimactic. They called to tell me my crappy insurance was denying a claim until we called them. I call....and the lady says there was a hold because of some paperwork (no idea what it was and could not tell me) needed to be filed first and it was on the 5th and my doctor will be paid shortly. Holy crap. Why do I need to always be involved in their business?  I understand being my own advocate, seriously I hate it when people aren't but this is just frustrating! So I had to call my doctor back and explain they're a little incompotent there and they said it should be covered. I guess we'll see. My bet is I will get a bill in a week. That's their normal deal.

Now I'm back to the waiting game.Waiting for AF. Who would've thought I would be excited for her to show her ugly face? I am ready to get my first AF over with and then start planning our next step. Our next attempt will be around the holidays. ..Jingle Bells, yall! :)

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