There are so many one-liners that I live my life by.
"Sometimes I sleep with all the lights on. It helps me to appreciate the night."
"Oh my God, I'm glad that I'm alive!"
"Don't you think life would be awful boring, if the good times were all that we had?"
This summer we had a rare and AMAZING opportunity to see him at a convention my sister was apart of. She invited us and we jumped on it! We were literally a foot from him. I've seen him dozens of times, but not in a long time..and definitely not in such an intimate setting. There were probably 100 people there, tops. It was absolutely amazing. In fact, prior to him playing, Radney Foster played and I was so excited! I had no idea he was going to be there and I hadn't seen him in YEARS. He is amazing live, as well. After that, they handed out guitars that were signed. My sister told me they did this, but I really wasn't sure how it worked. There were 12 tables and on each table there was a guitar. They also handed out guitars to special guests and...fancy sister was a special guest! Everyone's seat was numbered and when I sat down I sat in seat 11 because we got married on 7/11 and 7 and 11 are my lucky numbers. I didn't have anyone sitting in 10 and then there was a lady that was in 8 but sitting in 9 too. I told her, "You get 2, I get 2!" They called out the number 10!! I scooted my happy little butt over and I won! The Husband handed me the guitar and I was in total disbelief. It was amazing. I had never won something like that before..and of all places, and of all circumstances. Crazy! (no pun intended :) ) I ran through the Hyatt taking that thing to my room and just stared for a long time.

So this evening when I heard our song, a ton of emotions rushed over me. I became flushed and started to tear up. Our life is good. It is great. Like The Husband said in the beginning, this is not a road block, it is a hurdle. We are okay and we will be okay. AND, it is okay to not be okay sometimes. We do fun things and we have a ridiculously fun time with each other. We could have it so worse and I am learning to appreciate what exactly we have, physically and in each other. I read too many blogs and read too many reviews on junk and there are definitely some horror stories on how IF effects marriages. Being that The Husband is law enforcement already, there is a stigma on their relationship patterns. I am not going to be another statistic. We try very hard to be where we are at and we will continue to work hard at it.

I think with IF, period, it strains every aspect of your life. That's why it is important to GET OUT, DO THINGS, and HAVE FUN! Without any of this, you are bound to lose your mind!
While I was reminiscing about our wonderful summer, I started to make a list of things we have done this summer, amidst our IF journey.
1. Cruise to Jamaica/Grand Cayman/Cozumel in May
2. Pat Green!
3. River Trip with our BFFs!
4. Tons off friends and family time
5. Tons of time TOGETHER.
I could not have asked for a better summer with better people. And for that I am eternally grateful!
If you're going through IF, take time for yourself and your partner. Take time to ENJOY being a couple and being with each other. That is the most important thing. It makes the hard times a little less hard. It brings you together and gets you closer than you ever though imaginable. I thought The Husband and I were as close as possible, but IF has opened up a whole new world for the both of us.
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