I'm so excited that it's November! Pretty much I just like to refer to November as the month of everything pumpkin. I have no complaints there! :) I had someone ask me if it was too early to put up their Christmas decorations. I told her "you're asking the wrong lady!" If I got in the attic (I refuse!) I would have already pulled them out and have them ready to be put up in the next two weeks. The Husband rations me and will make me wait until Black Friday, like that will stop me or something! My theory is, set them up whenever!..and just don't invite anyone to your house. Then no one will know you are crazy!
School has been absolutely kicking my in the ass and I'm trying to take it like a champ. I have 3 major projects coming up that I need to concentrate on, but it gets hard! Hopefully I will be done with one in the next couple of days so then I only have 2 more to work on. Last night I was taking one of my last exams (early, might I add) and I got a wave of dizziness and nausea at the same time. I had to finish and lay on the couch to even finish getting The Husband's uniform pressed for the morning. I could barely stand up and the room was spinning. It was so strange! I'm trying not to symptom spot, but its hard when you feel so crappy. I slept about 9 hours and now I am feeling remarkably better! Thank the LORD!

Today is a day I have been anticipating for a week! Ugly Sweater Party SHOPPING! Okay, I'll admit, you add "shopping" to the end of anything and I'm in! "Casket shopping".."wheel chair shopping"....its all the same, right? Anyway, I'm so excited to see what kind of gem I can find this year. This little one to the right is from a couple of years ago. It may have been from the first Ugly Sweater Party we've thrown, actually. My BFF and went and had 'professional' pictures made at Target. ha! It was awesome. Notice the little bear? How sweat do I look!!! Though, you can't see the little flamingos on my sweater, it still is pretty great.
After the year we've had, this Sweater Party is going to need to be AMAZING!! :)
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