Saturday, November 17, 2012

stress overload!

I've taken an unwanted absence because of school. It finally caught up with me! Everything we have dealt with over the past 4 months finally has come to a head when talking about school. I'm waiting for AF to show and she is wanting to take her dang time. I really hate taking provera or as The Husband refers to them.. "bitch pills" for obvious reasons. :) Besides that, life has been just fine. It's not always pretty, but we get through don't we? I'm highly anticipating the end of my classes and the beginning of the holidays! I've been working hard to finish early and be done before Thanksgiving. I work next week on Monday and Tuesday while The Husband is off ALL week! The only thing that is getting me through the next few days is the fact that I will have ALL of Wednesday off with The Husband. I told him early, we will be doing nothing but lovin'! We've missed each other so much and we need that day to decompress. I may even get him to pull down the Christmas decorations!! :) I CANT WAIT!!!

In case I do not get back on before then, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your's!

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