Saturday, April 21, 2012

Oh for the love of progesterone!

I am going on CD22/9DPO and I had started progesterone treatment on Monday. First let me say that its is absolutely disgusting, I will do it without complaining too much, but really its freaking gross. Also, the side effects I have recieved from it aren't very fun at all. Back aches, constantly hungry, HORRIBLE headaches, tired beyond belief, moody (or so The Husband say..:) ), frequent peeing, along with a lot more crazy things that I didn't realize I was signing up for. I don't like to consult Dr. Google too much, unless Im absolutely certain I may be dying or something.. (obviously, Dr Google is the first spot a rational person would go to, right?). That being said, I wasn't very aware of what I would have as far as side effects. I did read some people's experiences on TheBump and other sites, but they varied so much, its hard to see what you'll take from it until your time.

Did I mention how forgetful it has made me? I stopped taking my ADD medicine for obvious reasons. I am a full-time student, so it definitely makes it a challenge, but I was stepping up to the plate and doing okay. This progesterone has reversed any effort I have attempted to try to alleviate my ADD. Holy Moly. Not the best time for it either, since the semester is coming to an end! Yay/boo!

On the up side...we're going on our cruise in...14 days!!!!!!!!!! Carnival Magic!

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