Monday, June 25, 2012

A little bit of this, a little bit of that.

What a wonderful time to be having a quarter-life crisis, huh? I am so ready for some change, great change, in fact, that its hard to concentrate on anything else. Obviously some of the things I'd like to change are (but not limited to): My infertility, where we live (it really is great, but I want something else..not necessarily "more"), More money (who doesnt?). Talking with The Husband today, he has found an opportunity that (if he passes all the qualifications) would put us where want to be with a comfortable income and the ability to let me quit work all together and finish school (and hopefully, start a family). What amazing dreams. Thats pretty much my 'wildest' dreams coming true! So serious. That being said, I think we have decided to persue this. Hows that for vague? :)

On to my insomnia aiding, headache giving, moody instigator medication that I'm taking...........Its like all of the above..but way worse! My insomnia is so bad right now. I'm exhausted but I just cannot sleep whatosever. The headaches have been SUPER annoying this time and I'm only on day 3!!! I have 3 more days to take it. And of course we live in Texas and we're going to have exceptionally hot weather, even for Texas this week (103+ ouch!). So I am not looking forward to the normal hot flashes this week!

But along with all the other symptoms, side effects, psychosymatic effects- bring them on!

Here's to hoping 4th times a charm and July is our lucky month!

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