So we're married.
It feels weird to say that, especially since it was a month ago today that we did the deed. We ended up going to Miami for a day then a cruise to the Bahamas for 5 then back in Miami for a few days. I've done California, and I do love it..but I really, really love Miami. It was amazing and just full of the unknown we often forget in life. The husband and I (wow.) used to be so spontaneous. We used to jump in the 'stang and haul it to Oklahoma. Or we'd meet in Austin for a few days. It was awesome, thats how I like it. As the years go on, we get more stuck in our routine and it makes me very uneasy. I love the times when we wake up, fill up the gas tank and go. But with both of our jobs, we don't have full days off together. People ask us how we do that. We just do. We live, it happens. He works 2p-10p (at least) F-T and I work 715a-615p(at least) M-F. Its sucky, but we manage. I can't wait for the day our schedules change so we can go to college station for the day and drink at the Dixie Chicken or something.
Wow. That got pretty heavy for being super excited for my first blog since the wedding. :)
The real reason is, we were supposed to pack up a late night snac tonight and head to the country to see the meteor shower. I was so excited to see it and be with him, of course. He called to tell me he got called into work tonight (totally okay with it. Work =$$) but then proceeds to tell me 'It works out though. I wasnt sure where we'd go or if we'd go anyway.' Sonuvagun. Men. oh well. I love that guy.
This past week we had my other half's sister stay with us. Shes 14 and of course a little mess (in a good way). I know what shes thinking and how shes feeling, come on, I was 14 one time too. And I was a little shit on top of that. She and my husband haven't had the closest relationship, but thats not because neither have wanted it. They both are just reserved people and don't know how to tell each other how they feel or how much they love each other..until this weekend. I dont like to toot my own horn but..TOOT TOOT. I had them doing stuff together the whole time she was here, and she had a great time.
Now that Im back in the flow of life, I hope to be blogging a looooooot more. :)