Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So here I am!

This whole not being able to sleep like a normal person is really getting to me. Everyone says.."Just go lay down"..Oh really? Because if it was that easy..I wouldn't be awake to hear you say that rubbish to me. I had my blood work done and I found out that I do, in facy, hypothyroidism. Now how they're going to treat it is what I get to find out next week. Have I mentioned lately how much insurance is a pain? We pay a ridiculous amount every month and I end up doing all the work to get whatever papers MY insurance needs, just to have them DENY my claim. Thank you, Insurance. I do appreciate most of what they do, I'm just having a crappy day whit the 3 letters I got at the same time asking for information they shouldve asked me LAST year when I was put on insurance. Whatever.

When it rains it storms. This week has been some sort of crap storm after another and for some weird reason I'm totally okay with it. I think the past few weeks I've been freaked out about getting blood work. Then getting the results. Now I know so I can not stress so much.

So heres to thinking like this..

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