Sunday, January 9, 2011

snuggies were made for days like today.

As I'm sitting here trying to play the cool Aunt Shannon card (my nephew has been up over 24 hours. 12 of those hours were playing video games) I was tootin' along on facebook and was just reading statuses. The things that people put amaze me. In the last couple of months I've decided to quit posting all the time. I annoy myself sometimes when I do that. The people who continuely put exactly where they are going are even more annoying. Seriously? You think people care that youre doing X, X, X, X, and then maybe Z? I think facebook (and other social networking sites) have been abused. People stalk each other and get pissed off at what someone else wrote on facebook. Someone tried pulling that crap with me and I told them that if I had ANYTHING to say to them, I would have no issue with telling them straight up. Facebook, and the internet in general, give people the abilitiy to create an alternate persona. What happened to people's personalities? Its like people have to create one in order to get attention or to be 'cool.' So strange to me.

I think this all boils down to..I'm growing up..

Shocker, right there. :)

Heres a little list on things Facebook shouldn't be used for:

1. Talking trash about ANYONE that may be your 'friend.' (and speaking of that..1000+ friends? We both know thats not accurate.)

2. Going in detail about your (on-going) medical condition. Yes, its definitely okay to say "Im in the hospital because.." ...It is not okay to complain about your diarrhea.

3. Countdowns to anything but a wedding/graduations/baby annoy the shit out of me.

4. Repeated song lyrics. We get it, you like the song. When you couldn't even copy and paste it correctly, it loses all merit.

5. Posting family information. IE airing dirty laundry or important information. I don't like finding out people have passed away on freaking line.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Well that whole 30 day thing worked out pretty well, huh? :)

Its my first Saturday at home without having ANYTHING to do. Do you know how great this feels? Its crazy that over the last 5 years I have turned into a homebody. I used to hate that people did that. It meant they wouldn't come out with me...but now I'm that person. That goes to prove my theory on people's pet-peeves are most likely something they do themselves. In the last month, two wonderful friends moved away (half of my good, go-to friends, mind you), we entered into 2011, Christmas, we went to Dallas, I got a terrible tooth ache, and I got a new laptop. The good with the bad I guess.

I would've loved to say I got a new tattoo in there but my husband won't let me. ha! And Im perfectly okay with that. I wouldn't want him coming home with something crazy like a black panther on his chest. Okay..I wont lie, I'd think thats pretty awesome.

So here we are in 2011...

What do I want to accomplish in 2011? I don't particulary like setting "resolutions" though we do at my husband's parent's house every year and put them in a box we cannot open until the following year. But I prefer to ask myself what I'd like to challenge myself to do. Here's a few things I came up with.

- Raise my GPA to over a 3.1
- Run at least 2 5ks
- Gain some more self confidence
- Cut back my intake of Diet Coke.

These are things that are realistic yet something I need to and WANT to do. I'm doing my first 5k of the year in March. Its the Warrior Dash. Looks like a blasty. Its got beer at the know I'm in!!:)

My GPA has been shot since the semester before we got married. My grandma was sick, I got pnuemonia, and uhhhhhhh we were planning a wedding. It was a little hard to stay in the game.

This self confidence thing.. geez. Where do I begin? I used to ooooze self confidence. I think ever since I gained a few pounds and moved here (4 years ago) and did not have any took a hit. Its been hard to gain it back. I'm back in the gym, but for myself this time. I have a hard yet easy to stick to regimend now so lets see what happens.

As for Diet Coke.. I'm pretty sure I've funded many employee's salaries with how much I drink it. I know I don't drink it as much as some. My inlaws specifically, but I do drink my fair share and I'd love to switch to mostly water.

I'll definitely be checking back in on these, for sure this time.

I hope everyone had a great new years and here we go! Onward and upwards!